Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ayyyye ;)


What's going on my three amazing followers + everyone I force to read this?! I've been extremely busy with uni lately (bleurgh) so haven't given you much attention, SOZ! (Lol I swear I don't say soz in real life). SO I thought it was about damn time I got back to the people and actually wrote something on here; todays topic- sleazy sleeeeeazy boys! ;)

Ok so there are many things to be said about sleazy boys so let's get straight into it shall we! One of the most annoying and degrading things sleazy boys do is when they start a conversation off with something sleazy. FOR EXAMPLE, the first thing a guy I know said to me on facebook the other day was, "lap dance?"...............Not even a "hello," or, "how are you today?" He just got straight to it!....#LAME. If I didn't think that guy was dumb before, I did then. A few guys have done this to me and not only do I hate what they say, but also that they say it with such cockiness, as if they can tell me to do whatever they want and I'll do it cos (they think) they're hot. What's funny is when I respond negatively they get defensive and act as if I'm the one losing out. BOYS....saying sleazy things like that straight up in a convo will get you NO WHERE. No girl wants to be made out as some trick. EVEN A TRICK wouldn't want to be made out as some trick!

So for the guys that are just talking to a girl to get in their pants, stay away from me, BUT I'm sure that if you at least fake an interest in how the girl is and what she's doing there would be plenty of #basicbitches that will let you in :)

Another thing I want to mention real quick is guys/people in general that play games. This is a BIG no no. I'm the sort of person that if I like you, you will know it, so I really don't like it when guys want to act all badass cos they think that will get the girl/are scared of being rejected. I had this horrendous convo with a guy once that got me so mad:

Loser: I saw you at the club last night. You looked ok.
Me: I looked ok? Smooth....
Loser: lol....I'm trying to play the game, good guys never get the girl.
Me: That's so lame and it's not true.
Loser: Yeah it is, I know heaps of girls that are going out with dickheads.
Me: Then they are dickheads themselves for going out with dickheads. Only hoes/insecure girls go out with and stay with a guy that doesn't treat them right.
Loser: Fine then you looked hot.
Me: *blocks*

Seriously, being REAL and being nice will get you places with me, I hate games and all girls want a gentleman. This goes for friends as well, I want friends that can tell me if they don't want to hang out today cos they just don't feel like it instead of making up some silly excuse, or tell me when they're mad at me instead of bitching behind my back. All fake people need to go listen to Plies' albums cos he seems to know the meaning of being REAL lol.



  1. My favorite line from a guy has to be 'can I whisper something in your mouth?'. Obviously, I swooned.

  2. LOL havent heard that one, classic!
