Yay! So I've come to realise asians are really funny. These two guys I especially love, they are so silly funny; definitely subscribe to their youtube channels and all that! I've been a Nigahiga fan for a whiiiiile now, this video is a lil old, but STILL makes me laugh errtime. Chonny I only just found out about like two weeks ago, but I'm too cool for a social life and just spend my time on facebook and youtube so I've already watched all of his like 56 videos lol. And they all rocked so hard.
*Yeeeeeeeeh boiiiiiiii!*
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Ayyyye ;)
What's going on my three amazing followers + everyone I force to read this?! I've been extremely busy with uni lately (bleurgh) so haven't given you much attention, SOZ! (Lol I swear I don't say soz in real life). SO I thought it was about damn time I got back to the people and actually wrote something on here; todays topic- sleazy sleeeeeazy boys! ;)
Ok so there are many things to be said about sleazy boys so let's get straight into it shall we! One of the most annoying and degrading things sleazy boys do is when they start a conversation off with something sleazy. FOR EXAMPLE, the first thing a guy I know said to me on facebook the other day was, "lap dance?"...............Not even a "hello," or, "how are you today?" He just got straight to it!....#LAME. If I didn't think that guy was dumb before, I did then. A few guys have done this to me and not only do I hate what they say, but also that they say it with such cockiness, as if they can tell me to do whatever they want and I'll do it cos (they think) they're hot. What's funny is when I respond negatively they get defensive and act as if I'm the one losing out. BOYS....saying sleazy things like that straight up in a convo will get you NO WHERE. No girl wants to be made out as some trick. EVEN A TRICK wouldn't want to be made out as some trick!
So for the guys that are just talking to a girl to get in their pants, stay away from me, BUT I'm sure that if you at least fake an interest in how the girl is and what she's doing there would be plenty of #basicbitches that will let you in :)
Another thing I want to mention real quick is guys/people in general that play games. This is a BIG no no. I'm the sort of person that if I like you, you will know it, so I really don't like it when guys want to act all badass cos they think that will get the girl/are scared of being rejected. I had this horrendous convo with a guy once that got me so mad:
Loser: I saw you at the club last night. You looked ok.
Me: I looked ok? Smooth....
Loser: lol....I'm trying to play the game, good guys never get the girl.
Me: That's so lame and it's not true.
Loser: Yeah it is, I know heaps of girls that are going out with dickheads.
Me: Then they are dickheads themselves for going out with dickheads. Only hoes/insecure girls go out with and stay with a guy that doesn't treat them right.
Loser: Fine then you looked hot.
Me: *blocks*
Seriously, being REAL and being nice will get you places with me, I hate games and all girls want a gentleman. This goes for friends as well, I want friends that can tell me if they don't want to hang out today cos they just don't feel like it instead of making up some silly excuse, or tell me when they're mad at me instead of bitching behind my back. All fake people need to go listen to Plies' albums cos he seems to know the meaning of being REAL lol.
What's going on my three amazing followers + everyone I force to read this?! I've been extremely busy with uni lately (bleurgh) so haven't given you much attention, SOZ! (Lol I swear I don't say soz in real life). SO I thought it was about damn time I got back to the people and actually wrote something on here; todays topic- sleazy sleeeeeazy boys! ;)
Ok so there are many things to be said about sleazy boys so let's get straight into it shall we! One of the most annoying and degrading things sleazy boys do is when they start a conversation off with something sleazy. FOR EXAMPLE, the first thing a guy I know said to me on facebook the other day was, "lap dance?"...............Not even a "hello," or, "how are you today?" He just got straight to it!....#LAME. If I didn't think that guy was dumb before, I did then. A few guys have done this to me and not only do I hate what they say, but also that they say it with such cockiness, as if they can tell me to do whatever they want and I'll do it cos (they think) they're hot. What's funny is when I respond negatively they get defensive and act as if I'm the one losing out. BOYS....saying sleazy things like that straight up in a convo will get you NO WHERE. No girl wants to be made out as some trick. EVEN A TRICK wouldn't want to be made out as some trick!
So for the guys that are just talking to a girl to get in their pants, stay away from me, BUT I'm sure that if you at least fake an interest in how the girl is and what she's doing there would be plenty of #basicbitches that will let you in :)
Another thing I want to mention real quick is guys/people in general that play games. This is a BIG no no. I'm the sort of person that if I like you, you will know it, so I really don't like it when guys want to act all badass cos they think that will get the girl/are scared of being rejected. I had this horrendous convo with a guy once that got me so mad:
Loser: I saw you at the club last night. You looked ok.
Me: I looked ok? Smooth....
Loser: lol....I'm trying to play the game, good guys never get the girl.
Me: That's so lame and it's not true.
Loser: Yeah it is, I know heaps of girls that are going out with dickheads.
Me: Then they are dickheads themselves for going out with dickheads. Only hoes/insecure girls go out with and stay with a guy that doesn't treat them right.
Loser: Fine then you looked hot.
Me: *blocks*
Seriously, being REAL and being nice will get you places with me, I hate games and all girls want a gentleman. This goes for friends as well, I want friends that can tell me if they don't want to hang out today cos they just don't feel like it instead of making up some silly excuse, or tell me when they're mad at me instead of bitching behind my back. All fake people need to go listen to Plies' albums cos he seems to know the meaning of being REAL lol.
El-oh-el smiley face
Monday, March 8, 2010
Whack Whack Lyrics Lyrics
Can somebody please tell me what the eff this means:
"Man me too hurry up with da kool aid
Aight ta weeeeeeeeeee!
Aye dis dat fye kool aid nigga
I'm ta I swear ta god!
We gota anotha 'clusive man."
....................................wtf :(?
These lyrics are from a song called Kool Aid by the Pop it off Boyz and all i can say after hearing that is...."cocain is a hell of a drug," hahahaha "I swear ta god" these guys must have been smoking something strong as hell when writing this. I was listening to it with one of my best friends and it got me scratching my mind and thinking about other lyrics that make NO sense at all, and really when it comes to rap there are A LOT *cough* LIL WAYNE *cough*. -Sidenote: Speaking of Lil Wayne, half the time in all his songs he is just coughing, burping, laughing like a maniac and just making weird noises, period. I love it though!-
So anyway, I'm a huge fan of JB the poet and he recently talked about this same subject, mentioning something I laughed about for aggggges- lyrics that don't match titles. For example, Rapper Song Title: "I love my mama" .. Lyrics: "I ran in that fuck nigga house & shot em in the HEAD!" I've found A LOT of rappers do maybe a few lines relating to the title then just talk about random things for the other 3 minutes.
Then you have the artists who don't say anything BUT the damn title the whole song; main offender- Soulja Boy Tell'em. How is it that people get mad when their parents order them to do something more than once, but this guy tells you to 'crank that' 20 million times and gets no1 on the Billboard charts? It's not just that song either, it's every single song on his first and second album....but hey the dude has a freakin remote controlled black diamond lamborghini chain, he's obviously doing something right!
I will find more examples of the crazy lyrics and lyrics that don't match the title, but for now here are some videos of Soulja boy repeating himself :)
^ *He really likes telling people to watch him dance....* ^
Hahahaha I almost forgot, Lil B described this as "A start to the new sound that hip hop is going to hear." I fear for hip hop and I'm pretty sure jesus wouldn't say "I need a bitch....on my dick....right now." Just listen....
Sidenote: Crank Dat is actually one of my favourite songs ever ^_^
"Man me too hurry up with da kool aid
Aight ta weeeeeeeeeee!
Aye dis dat fye kool aid nigga
I'm ta I swear ta god!
We gota anotha 'clusive man."
....................................wtf :(?
These lyrics are from a song called Kool Aid by the Pop it off Boyz and all i can say after hearing that is...."cocain is a hell of a drug," hahahaha "I swear ta god" these guys must have been smoking something strong as hell when writing this. I was listening to it with one of my best friends and it got me scratching my mind and thinking about other lyrics that make NO sense at all, and really when it comes to rap there are A LOT *cough* LIL WAYNE *cough*. -Sidenote: Speaking of Lil Wayne, half the time in all his songs he is just coughing, burping, laughing like a maniac and just making weird noises, period. I love it though!-
So anyway, I'm a huge fan of JB the poet and he recently talked about this same subject, mentioning something I laughed about for aggggges- lyrics that don't match titles. For example, Rapper Song Title: "I love my mama" .. Lyrics: "I ran in that fuck nigga house & shot em in the HEAD!" I've found A LOT of rappers do maybe a few lines relating to the title then just talk about random things for the other 3 minutes.
Then you have the artists who don't say anything BUT the damn title the whole song; main offender- Soulja Boy Tell'em. How is it that people get mad when their parents order them to do something more than once, but this guy tells you to 'crank that' 20 million times and gets no1 on the Billboard charts? It's not just that song either, it's every single song on his first and second album....but hey the dude has a freakin remote controlled black diamond lamborghini chain, he's obviously doing something right!
I will find more examples of the crazy lyrics and lyrics that don't match the title, but for now here are some videos of Soulja boy repeating himself :)
^ *He really likes telling people to watch him dance....* ^
Hahahaha I almost forgot, Lil B described this as "A start to the new sound that hip hop is going to hear." I fear for hip hop and I'm pretty sure jesus wouldn't say "I need a bitch....on my dick....right now." Just listen....
Sidenote: Crank Dat is actually one of my favourite songs ever ^_^
Friday, March 5, 2010
The Greatest Thing Ever in the World
I have watched EVERY SINGLE youtube video there ever was (pretty much) and this particular video is the only one that makes me cry with laughter everytime I watch it. I know it's a little old, but it never fails to put a smile on my face when I'm upset or angry, so I thought I'd share it with you. What I love is that not only his language changes, but also the pitch and tone of his voice hahahaha.
"Shit flyin in ma mouth!"
Enjoy ;)
"Shit flyin in ma mouth!"
Enjoy ;)
Am I a wigga?
Ok so I didn't really know what my first official blog should be about....until today when someone started a conversation with me by saying, "Sup wigga?"
*For those of you who don't know what a wigga is, it's a white person that tries to be black.*
I think it was a culmination of other similar comments directed at me throughout pretty much my whole life that finally made me snap when I heard this. As mentioned previously in my introduction; I love hip hop, but I want to make it very clear to everyone that I am NOT a wigga. Although I may talk in excess about the culture, that doesn't make me a wannabe, it just means I have an interest in it.
As everyone already knows it is probably THE most frustrating thing to be called something you're not, so when lots of people call me this it gets me worked up. Plus they don't even have anything to back up the claim that I am a 'wigga'; I don't ever try to be black! I don't dress like a black person, I don't speak like one (except on the web sometimes....as a joke), I don't smoke weed, I don't own a gun, I don't like watermelon, I don't eat fried chicken (ok, I'm pushing it now); I just don't try to be black. And please don't get me wrong, I'm not speaking negatively of the race at all, I just think it's stupid to want to be something you're not. and I am very happy with myself as I am....word? lol.
FURTHERMORE, I find it horrible that when people ask me what kind of music I like I'm embarrassed to say hip hop. I've found when you're a little white girl like me and you say that, people laugh and automatically think you're a try hard. It's as if because I'm white, I'm supposed to like white music i.e. rock or pop, which is some bullllllshiiiiiiit.
Something that makes me laugh though is how people automatically think all black people like hip hop, which used to be me before I became friends with quite a few African guys and girls. If I saw a black guy on a bus I would turn my music up really loud and try to tilt my ipod so he could see the album cover and song playing in the hopes he would look and start talking to me LOL. But I've learned that just makes you look like a dick. The best way to get a black guy is to wear booty pop underwear and give some great head. Right kim kardashian? Haha I'm totally joking :/
And on that note I really hope my mother doesn't read this, and just so everyone is clear JUST because I love hip hop doesn't mean I want to be black. It's like me calling someone Italian just because they happen to like pasta, mkay?
*For those of you who don't know what a wigga is, it's a white person that tries to be black.*
I think it was a culmination of other similar comments directed at me throughout pretty much my whole life that finally made me snap when I heard this. As mentioned previously in my introduction; I love hip hop, but I want to make it very clear to everyone that I am NOT a wigga. Although I may talk in excess about the culture, that doesn't make me a wannabe, it just means I have an interest in it.
As everyone already knows it is probably THE most frustrating thing to be called something you're not, so when lots of people call me this it gets me worked up. Plus they don't even have anything to back up the claim that I am a 'wigga'; I don't ever try to be black! I don't dress like a black person, I don't speak like one (except on the web sometimes....as a joke), I don't smoke weed, I don't own a gun, I don't like watermelon, I don't eat fried chicken (ok, I'm pushing it now); I just don't try to be black. And please don't get me wrong, I'm not speaking negatively of the race at all, I just think it's stupid to want to be something you're not. and I am very happy with myself as I am....word? lol.
FURTHERMORE, I find it horrible that when people ask me what kind of music I like I'm embarrassed to say hip hop. I've found when you're a little white girl like me and you say that, people laugh and automatically think you're a try hard. It's as if because I'm white, I'm supposed to like white music i.e. rock or pop, which is some bullllllshiiiiiiit.
Something that makes me laugh though is how people automatically think all black people like hip hop, which used to be me before I became friends with quite a few African guys and girls. If I saw a black guy on a bus I would turn my music up really loud and try to tilt my ipod so he could see the album cover and song playing in the hopes he would look and start talking to me LOL. But I've learned that just makes you look like a dick. The best way to get a black guy is to wear booty pop underwear and give some great head. Right kim kardashian? Haha I'm totally joking :/
And on that note I really hope my mother doesn't read this, and just so everyone is clear JUST because I love hip hop doesn't mean I want to be black. It's like me calling someone Italian just because they happen to like pasta, mkay?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Hi :)

Was ist poppington yo?! I'm Pia and I don't sleep, cos I'm a G. THEREFORE, I've given birth to this BLOG. Every other blog I've seen has been pretty farging boring so I'ma try and make this one a littttttle more interesting and hopefully you will read it ;) It's pretty much going to be something to keep me occupied as I stay awake being awesome while everyone else sleeps like a bunch of humans.
Mkay so I should probs if not defs tell you my story. I'm 21 and ALMOST fresh out of the journalism degree box. I endeavour to use this website as a platform to showcase my love-you-long-time relationship and commitment to the hippest of all music genres- hip hop. I promise to use my journalism skills for good and not evil, and produce weekly articles that are so fresh you won't need to shower for 3 days!
I will provide all you OGs and wannabes with everything you need to know about hip hop in Brisbane, with event announcements, feature articles, reviews, interviews, and new music, and just my general weird ass thoughts, funny videos and random sheeet. And in case you were sitting there questioning my integrity as a hip hop writer, (I'm literally being one of the whitest kids on the block; missed out on the Italian olive skin gene!), let me just say I am a bad ass suburban middle class G- my first celebrity crush was Vince from Naughty by Nature when I was 7!
I'M MORE RANDOM THAN A MONKEY BEING SOLD ON EBAY and there's heaps more to me, but I'll leave a little mystery ;)
*Enjoy yourselves bitches.*
*Enjoy yourselves bitches.*
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