In no particular order....
1. Her name is annoying to write. Everytime I do I automatically put an 's' after the stupid dollar sign and then have to backspace and it's just all too frustrating!
2. She's a bit of a hoe
3. She insulted justin bieber....that's a definite no no!
"He's such a tiny little baby! I would've loved to push him around on stage in a carriage."
4. Her songs are catchy to the point I want to kill myself
5. She reminds me of nikki webster, which is never a good thing
6. She looks like a man and says things that a man would say....ten bucks she's a man
7. She sings about D.U.I....not cool
8. She's not a great influence for her main fanbase of young teens and tweens with songs about peadofiles, sex, and binge drinking
9. She looks like she needs a bath

10. Even when she's taking a bath, she looks like she needs a bath

11. The way she constantly boufs up her hair with her hands
12. All the shit she leaves on my twitter feed....
These are actually copy and pasted straight from her twitter page:
*DAMNIT forgotTOBRUSHMYTEETH AGAIN. I smell like poo. Bummer.*
*LOVE it when they print vagina*
*Don't wanna know about ur poop patterns kind sir*
*Afterparty. Myroom.*
*@johncmayer dear john mayerrr. Don't be a little b*tch wit ur chit chat. Jus $how me whur ur dick's at.*
*Butt clevage is the new black*
I realise I could unfollow her, but I I admit she is entertaining!
I recently listened to an interview she did with Ryan Seacrest and anyone who lives in Brisbane, Australia will understand why I thought this was so funny:
Ryan: So you are from here?
Ke$ha: Um, well yeah I was born in the valley.
That explains so much....
Something I DO like about her is her 5th grade photo....I think it's cute :)

And now for the big confession....I actually like Ke$ha's SONGS. Disregarding the lyrical content, her beats are fun! Plus I have a couple of friends who have FORCED me to REPEATEDLY listen to it hehe, but I don't mind ;) After hearing a few more interviews with her, I've learned that she is pretty cool in the respect that she's an advocate for not caring what other people think of you and going after your goals and dreams. If only her song lyrics reflected these values; I would definitely like her much more as an artist!